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BE Ready for the Corporate RFP Season!


The exclusive Partnership between Vertical Booking and Cvent allows your hotel to take advantage of the most powerful corporate RFP tool on the market.

As one of the leading providers of CRS for the hospitality industry, Vertical Booking CRS is part of by Zucchetti Group, the largest Italian tech company.
With over 8,000 customers worldwide, Vertical Booking allows hoteliers to sell, distribute and centralize their reservations from a single platform. The CRS is translated into 30 languages and available for use in all currencies.

Are you looking to improve efficiency and provide time saving when you are responding to RFPs?

The exclusive Partnership between Vertical Booking and Cvent allows your hotel to take advantage of the most powerful corporate RFP tool on the market. You can manage all your RFPs from a single platform, saving valuable time and increase your team’s productivity. Cvent Transient ® indeed simplifies how hotels create, manage, and measure corporate travel business, providing a competitive edge in the market not found in any other corporate travel software.

By joining Cvent Transient ®, hotel can easily manage and reply to all RFPs, freeing up time and resources to focus on serving guests and increasing revenue. The Vertical Booking customers who join Cvent Transient ® report spending 50% less time on the RFP process overall.

The success of Cvent Transient ® speaks for itself, with over 936,000 total business transient RFPs sourced in a single calendar year and 1,900+ Travel Programmes launched through the platform last year. From pharma (8 of the top 10) to tech (7 of the top 10), finance (6 of the top 10) to oil and gas (5 of the top 10), top companies across various industries trust Cvent Transient ® for their corporate travel management needs.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to push your RFP process and save valuable time thanks to the Partnership between Vertical Booking and Cvent!

Elevate your hotel's corporate travel business today >


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